Servizio Basic
497€ + IVA
HOMEPRO Dedicated Agent
A Professional Real Estate Agent, duly registered in the appropriate section of the chamber of commerce and with the professional requirements of the law (L. 89/1939), will follow you in every phase of the sale, from the initial evaluation to the day of the deed. Beware of imitations, only with us you can be sure of being followed by a professional agent.
Online Ad Pro
Three simple words to describe a world of services. An online announcement of HomePRO is published on ALL MAJOR NATIONAL PORTALS and, if necessary, also international ones. Thanks to our cutting-edge technologies we are able to publish an advertisement with a guaranteed quality index of 100%! This means that your property will always be displayed among the top positions by customers looking for a home like yours, easier for us, cheaper for you.
Assistance Up To The Deed
Some conventional real estate agencies limit or interrupt their assistance once the assignment is signed or in the early stages of the negotiation. Our assistance, on the other hand, maintains the same quality standard from the first day to the deed. Seeing is believing!
Sale Placard
A sales sign with captivating graphics will be positioned outside the building and close to the major points of interest in the area where the property is located. Extra attention for customers who dream of a home like yours but prefer to actively seek it out by strolling through the streets of the neighborhood.
Assistenza Legale
Una tutela in più per ogni trattativa. Ogni agenzia HomePRO si avvale di professionisti accuratamente selezionati come Tecnici, Avvocati e Notai che prestano la propria disponibilità e consulenza in maniera preventiva e costante. La vendita del tuo immobile è in mani sicure.